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Balance Beam

A glimpse into my day:

  • 5:30am: My alarm goes off.

  • 6:05am: I leap out of bed after oversleeping.

  • 6:45am: I bark orders at Kate, clip my hair to my head and hope that I'm wearing pants as we dash for her bus stop.

  • 7:15am: Try to transition from hectic morning drill sergeant to calm working professional. Clear head. Drain coffee pot. Try to collect the zillion tasks that day into one doable to-do list. Remember all the things I forgot in the morning rush (although I am wearing pants). Forgot to put new soap in the shower. Steve probably showering without soap.

  • 4pm: Trying to slip back into "mom" mode after day of juggling deadlines. Remember soap, but there's no replacement soap. Dang. Remember that I forgot to call sister. Call sister. While talking to sister make snack for Kate while nagging Kate to get homework done. Yell at dog for eating sofa cushion.

  • 9:30pm: Plop down on sofa (minus one cushion) after dinner, kids' baths, homework, lunches made. Arms too heavy to pull me up to get myself off to bed. Remember that I forgot to buy soap...

It's not always that hectic and tiring, but like so many other parents, I often feel the tug of having too much on my plate. The result is that I often feel off-balance.

I was invited by the UCLA Staff and Faculty Counseling Center to share some experiences and insights yesterday for a program they called "Parenting & Paychecks: Time, Energy and Balance." The staff and faculty there are pretty fortunate to have such a great resource at hand, where they can seek help and support for a variety of issues.

Finding support and sharing our war stories are often the best ways to keep our lives (somewhat) in balance. The one-hour lunchtime seminar was a great way to bring a lot of them together to comiserate and get some ideas. And I got some, too. As a way to create some quality time with spouses, one mom said she and her partner take the occasional day off to just hang out together, get massages, have lunch. Great idea! I might use that time to buy soap...

Reader Comments (2) - now in my rss reader)))

March 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenternapInfali

cool sitename man)))
internet signature:

March 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMusAdjouromor

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