
Entries in Super Bowl (1)


I've Got Mail: Football!

Welcome to the 21st century. This Sunday, my family will be huddled around the Super Bowl game wearing not just our usual football-watching attire; we'll also be wearing 3D glasses.

As part of a promo for the new Monsters vs. Aliens movie from DreamWorks (hitting theaters on March 27), I also received a football with an eyeball on it (in honor of lead character and gelatinous blob B.O.B.), drink coasters with the movie characters on them and the all-important stress ball, just in case the game's a close one.

The glasses will be for viewing the movie trailer as well as a barrier-breaking 3D Super Bowl commercial featuring those groovy and talented dancing lizards from SoBe Lifewater. (I've been told to keep them handy for the next day, too, when NBC will air a special 3D episode of Chuck.)

Need your own 3D glasses? Pick them up for free at any SoBe Lifewater displays at the grocery store and other locations.