
Entries in president (1)


I Hear Hope Calling Me ...

OK, I know we're all a little weary of the presidential hype, but I was cleaning out Kate's backpack and ran across this little gem among her poetry assignments:
"I Am Barack Obama" by Kate

I am true and kind

I wonder if in the future anyone would understand

I hear hope calling me

I see my children's hope

I want peace on Earth

I am true and kind.

I pretend I'm in the White House

I feel sad for the hungry

I touch the basketball my dad gave me

I worry that I can't help people myself

I cry about my family

I am true and kind.

I understand that beggars are scared

I say, "Yes We Can!"

I dream of a better place

I try to help the economy

I hope that faith will lead me down the right path

I am true and kind.