
Entries in Jane Goodall (1)


Primates and Peace

peaceday2Life been a little hectic lately? Thinking about saving the world? Then slow it down by partaking in Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace Celebration 11 a.m.-4 p.m. this Sunday at the Santa Monica Pier.

That's a long-winded way of saying that you can enjoy some music, see some celebrities, and ponder your place in bringing peace and purity to the planet. Jane Goodall, of course best known for her work and research with chimpanzees, founded the Roots & Shoots program in 1977 to bring together young people from 110 countries to help identify problems in their communities and bring about positive changes.

Marilu Henner, Pierce Brosnan, Wendie Malick, Soleil Moon Frye and other celebrities are expected to attend the festival, which will include pet adoptions and family-friendly activities.  Donate a nonperishable food item for people or pets to the “Day of Peace Food Drive for People and Pets," and you'll receive a raffle ticket to win a beach cruiser bicycle from Walteria Bicycles of Torrance. Check out the Roots & Shoots' members' environmental projects, and at 2 p.m. see the Giant Peace Dove parade of 75 handmade Giant Peace Dove Puppets that will "float" up to the water's edge.

I can't think of a better way to spend a day.