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A Monster of a Game

If your kids like social Web-based – or MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) – games, here's a new world for them to explore: Moshi Monsters. The UK-based Mind Candy introduced the free-to-play online game last January that allows gamers to adopt one of six funny-looking monsters, explore educational and zomm_rebelliousfuri_annoyedjust-for-fun puzzles and games (and earn "rox," the game's currency), meet and chat with other players and accessorize their "homes."

Like most free-to-play games there are product tie-ins and tiers that are available to purchase (it's $4.95 per month), but 95% of the game is free. It's relatively easy to navigate, you don't have to clear any levels to check out the different areas, and is primarily targeted at both sexes in the 7- to 12-year-old range. The sound-effects are fun – the monsters have their own language – and the site has some fun features to click on and explore (the game's blog follows the world's "MonSTARS" like Taylor Miffed and the Groanas Brothers).

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