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A Punch-Up For Lunch

puzzle-in-breadAll kids are prone to sandwich boredom, but a mom in Melbourne, Australia, created a puzzle-based solution to the age-old problem: How do I get my child to eat her sandwich?

The Lunch Punch ($16, available at cuts puzzle pieces out of your child’s PB&J (or other favorite sandwich or cut-able snack) and removes the crusts, too. So kids can feed lunchpunchtheir love of puzzles while they fill their tummies. Each Lunch Punch set comes in four shapes that are dishwasher safe.

Coming soon are the new and adorable line of critter punches. We are using them to spice up the daycamp lunch kits and relaxed morning breakfast routine. Kate liked the dog (pictured), and Jack liked the elephant. But there's a butterfly and whales, too.

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